Assemble 750 senior retail industry leaders in one place for three days and you can be sure that the exchange of ideas, experience and wisdom will be informative, challenging and controversial. Never more so than at this year’s World Retail Congress in Barcelona, where, in the word cloud, we have distilled the content from 3 days of presentations and interviews.
WPP’s presence on the stage, including the inaugural launch of our BAV Most Influential Retail Brands 2023, our virtual reality History of Retail in 100 Objects and World Retail Congress Hall of Fame experience, Landor & Fitch’s Future of the Retail Store panel, Stephan Pretorius, WPP Chief Technology Officer’s keynote, and our podcast interviews with key retail leaders, gave us exclusive access to so much debate, so many points of view, and – perhaps surprisingly – so much excitement about the future. We have distilled our ten key takeaways from the Congress and will be bringing them to you in our webinar – 10 Killer Lessons from WRC 2023, which will include insights from the BAV Most Influential Brands 2023.
From topics like Defiant Resolve, The Age of AI and the Power of Purpose, we examine and discuss ten principal learnings from the Congress.
Join David Roth, CEO The Store WPP & Chairman BAV Group with his special guest Ian McGarrigle, Chairman World Retail Congress, for an hour of discussion, ideas and future-casting on the ever fascinating and ever changing world of retail around the globe. An hour that no one involved in brands, consumers, manufacturing or retail can afford to miss.
The World’s Most Influential Retail Brands
Influence matters, particularly to retail brands, because, in times like this, exerting Influence through emotional connections is the antidote to the alternative: price-cutting. Learn why it pays to be Influential – and to be Influential in as many ways as possible.
Insights from BAV@WPP

The History of Retail in 100 Objects Experience
Visit the 100 objects on display – from the Abacus to Alexa. Drop into the World Retail Congress Hall of Fame, the Intel Innovation room and listen to in-depth interviews with industry leading Hall of Famers.
Download and enjoy our extraordinary virtual experience app onto your smartphone (iOS and Android), Mac or PC.
The first BAV study
Markets around the globe
Data points
Brands studied globally
People interviewed worldwide